
with Code


"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."

There are many resources available for learning the basics of writing code. The Code Like a Girl website has a list of FREE resources for learning how to code. Many of them are good places to learn some of the terminology and structure of writing code, but the best way to retain what you are learning is by putting it to use. Play around with the code and work on something a little more open ended. My recommendation is to think of an idea for a project (something small) that you are interested in, and then try to find a coding tutorial similar to your project idea. Many great tutorials exist on all sorts of things. Once you complete the tutorial, tweak it and make the project your own. You'll learn best through trial and error. Use Google when you get stuck. StackOverflow is also a great place to ask questions and get answers.

For a younger audience or people who prefer visual learning, a good place to start is After you are comfortable with how it works, you can head over to Scratch (made by MIT) to exlore a few of the tutorials there and create your own project.

Discover Your Passion

If you learn how to code, you can work in any industry - medical, education, aerospace, farming, ... you name it. There are many different areas in Computer Science. Here are a few.

  • Human computer interaction
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Games and entertainment
  • Virtual reality and artificial reality
  • Vehicles and space exploration
  • Cyber security
  • Biotechnology and nanotechnology

Some things that I love about being a computer programmer:

  • Help people through my software
  • Create something from nothing
  • Solve interesting and challenging problems
  • Collaborate with all sorts of people
  • Take complex ideas and break into simple pieces
  • Be in an in-demand career field with great job market

About Created With Code, LLC

In school my favorite class was art because I loved the creativity of art projects. My second favorite was math because I loved the logic and reasoning. Created with Code, LLC is the best combination of those two things. My goal is to support new developers and potential developers to see that programming is a very creative field, and it can be really fun when you learn how to communicate your logic in a way the computer understands. You can make your ideas come to life.

In my experience, learning how to program is the most fun when you are writing something useful or fun for someone else. The best part is when a friend or family member enjoys your creation. I want to help bring that experience to others.

About Me

I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering. Since my college days, I have loved teaching programming and computer science as much as I have loved implementing it. I have worked at several companies including Boeing, Microsoft, 3M, and Anytime Fitness.

I am currently working as a full-time software developer near Saint Paul, Minnesota, and I create software systems which save, send, and secure data efficiently. In recent months, I have also been tutoring part-time for a Minneapolis coding boot camp. I am now officially a conference speaker too. When given the opportunity, I love visiting local schools and sharing how awesome it is to be software developer.

I believe anybody can learn the basics of how write to code, and everyone can benefit from learning.